These concerts are designed to create events that are entertaining and educational for youth and members of the general public. The concerts present a forum for Michael’s Moon and other qualified and motivated speakers to talk about and promote issues of public safety and teen safe driving. To date, we have put on three SADD Concerts at A.L. Brown HS in Kannapolis,NC and our Annual Graduation Party at a local park or establishment in June. Food and entertainment is provided and donations are taken. Proceeds have provided for SADD scholarships and funding for the organization. Guest speakers have come from SADD, SAVE, students and others, including ourselves, who have lost someone or had a relative injured through preventable circumstances. Local law enforcement and Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) representatives have also supported and participated in these events. We hope that in the future we can expand to reach out to other schools where these types of tragedies have occurred.
We also hope to expand this concept to promote more concerts statewide and nationally, as well as include camps, retreats, and fun-days (skate-fests, etc.) to reach more people.
Annual Valentines Concert
This concert has been held yearly at the Kannapolis Performing Arts Center since 2007 with good success. In all, over 400 people (mostly students) have attended the events. Intended to be a Valentine present to our 2 saints in heaven, it is meant to remember all victims of senseless accidents. Four quality bands representing the best in local talent have played to high regards at each event. They have done a great job promoting our message and highlighting a forum that has included speakers from National SAVE and NC SADD. We understand that there is too much tragedy in the lives of a large cross section of young people, and we open and invite them to ask us for help to create or dedicate any of our events to those who are dear to their friends. We hope by inducing the elements of knowledge, insight, and foresight, our events can prevent a nightmare for someone else. This event is very timely as it closely precedes spring activities and prom season.