If they can’t be happy as kids, what does it bode for the future. Michael J had a wide variety of interests off the soccer field, including skating, exploring the outdoors, learning about history, and just having friends. Michael’s Moon tries to reach out to youth from all walks of life, and persuasions. We hope by creating fun opportunities for them to broaden their horizons, and experiencing some of life’s simple pleasures, they might find their place in the world. Perhaps our companionship will motivate them to help and contribute to making the world a better place for all, because someone took the time to do so for them.
“After all, all we have is each other…”============================================
How many special people change,How many lives are living strange,
Where were you while we were getting high?
One of the greatest gifts God ever gave us, was the wonderful times we spent together as a family. Whether it was a day at the park, a fishing trip, or a trip to the beach or camping in the mountains. It always seemed to have a magical quality. The song makes us wonder if things are like that for everyone. We were truly getting high on life with Michael J, all the way to the last day.
Silence is a word that only begins to describe what life is like without him. But we feel forever indebted to the Lord, for all the precious moments. So many kids and people are not as fortunate as we were, to enjoy such quality times. We have found that one of the loneliest things we do, is to go to one of those special places, and reminisce about what was. Life should be about “what can be”. That is what Michael’s kids is all about.
One of the many blessings Michael J left for us, is a lot of beautiful kids that we now call friends. He made sure we would not be alone. Some lead similar lives, having rich times and experiences with their families. We also found, others though, who through no fault of their own, or parents, have few such fun moments. Even some we find just need or want to get away for a moment, to think, reflect, and recharge their spirit. They have needs, and we have time. Instead of venturing out alone or not at all, why not take someone with us, and go to one of those Michael’s places, or one he hadn’t been but would’ve loved. His selfless friendly spirit always led him to the kids who needed a friend; now he leads us to them, and they deserve to go.
Wake up the dawn and ask her why,A Dreamer dreams, He never dies,
Wipe that tear away now from your eye…
Someday you will find me,
In a champagne supernova in the sky.
So many kids dream a dream. We hope to continue to make them come true. Help us give back to them, what we once graciously received through Michael J. Together with new friends, we can explore pieces of heaven here on Earth, and live and learn with each other; sharing our experiences and values of life, so we can all journey towards the greatest vacation place in the sky…HEAVEN!