All the wonderful testimonials of life with Mike and Andy speak volumes about the beautiful boys they were, and the fact that they are dearly missed. In their all too short time on earth, they were able to have a uniquely endearing and magical impact on all they came to know. As we think and remember hopefully we will be open to hear the same call they did, and become inspired to live beyond ourselves, so we too can make a difference in the world. As living thanks for all they did to touch our lives, we preserve their spirit so that future generations can also meet Michael J and Andy, and like us become compelled to be at their loving best.
Tributes and Treasures
Our times together with Michael J were amazingly special and we have been forever touched. It makes us eager to hear all the tales of his times when he was away with you all. Please share with everyone your memories of Michael J. Help us to paint the picture in full, that was his life-shared between us all.
Guest Book
Even though his body is gone from this Earth, we still spend everyday with Michael J. He gives us spirit and makes us believe in hope. He visits us through nature, and smiles down from a sky of moons, rainbows, and shooting stars. At those times you remember, or he is there with you, drop him a note to say hello.
Story Book
What we lived and shared and had, will never be for some. We are very blessed…
Welcome to our Life and Times with Michael J.
We know how bad it hurts…
Mike and Bonnie have learned a lot through very unfortunate circumstances. The insight to understand what it is like to lose a loved one through such a painful event is a unique gift from God. They hope to use that gift to comfort future families who suddenly find themselves in a similar nightmare. Volunteer to help them help others through their CARE WAGON Ministry.