After the events of 9-15-2005, it was probably a week before we ever watched TV, and even longer until we were able to watch the news. We had heard ours…now we have found out how the rest of the community learned in disbelief, or yearned for more details of the tragic event on the local news.
Now as we watch, we have noticed that traffic fatalities are one of the most common topics of “Breaking News” and take up a large part of the local news broadcast. We thought it would never happen to us. Unfortunately, within a week , at least 1.5 more teens and 15 more adults were probably killed in NC. Our pain was not alone.
We found it hard to believe that 1 student in every US high school of 2000 students, would be killed in a traffic accident every 2 years. Unfortunately we have seen the trend make itself true, and we strive to make all our friends aware. Also, knowing that almost 80% of all deaths involve drivers over 25 years of age, we commit ourselves to make consideration, patience, and compassion an element of all drivers habits.
We hope to keep you abreast, of too many stories, involving such tragedies. Anyone reading this can be a key to the solution…
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